

Natalia Orlovsky of Princeton University, who spent the summer of 2019 with us as a BCMP Summer Scholar, was awarded a 2021 Goldwater Fellowship!  These awards recognize and support the most promising STEM undergrads in the country. In our lab, Natalia worked with Hyun Jin Bae on mapping CTD modifications. At Princeton, she works with Cliff Brangwynne on biological condensates. Congratulations, Natalia!


Natalia, Hyun Jin, and Steve


PhD student Inwha Baek was selected as a Global Leader by K-BioX, an organization that highlights the contributions of Korean scientists around the world.  Here she talks about her dissertation project ... in Korean, of course!














Our paper on single-molecule imaging of RNA pol II and Spt4/5 is now available at PNAS! Congratulations to co-first author Inwha Baek, project pioneer Yoo Jin Joo, and our great collaborators in the Gelles Lab.  

PNAS title



The move is done and we're already doing experiments!

Moved in!


Our beautiful new lab space is ready! We move in mid-November.


New lab 1

New Lab 2


The lab is back open! We're socially distancing, but finally getting some experiments done after nearly three months of COVID-19 shutdown.


Graduate student Inwha Baek was selected to receive a prestigious Van Maanen Fellowship from the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology for academic year 2021. Made possible by the bequest of Evert F. Van Maanen, PhD, 1949, to Harvard Medical School, this fellowship is given to graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in their graduate studies and have shown great potential for a successful post-graduate career. The award provides a stipend for 12 months.  Congratulations, Inwha!!


Our first single molecule paper with the Gelles lab is now on Biorxiv! Co-first authors Grace Rosen and Inwha Baek watch RNA polymerase II and Spt5 during the assembly of initiation complexes and transition to elongation.

Single Molecule traces

Our paper describing how Set1/COMPASS interacts with the RNA polymerase CTD is now in Nature Communications. Congratulations to first author Hyun Jin Bae and contributing author Jongcheol Jeon!  Together with the labs of Vincent Geli and Jaehoon Kim, we showed that the combination of the Set1 N-terminal region and Swd2 create the CTD binding site.